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A Marriage Made FOR Heaven!

Spring/Summer 2024 



If you were to move your family to a new, permanent place, say New Zealand, you would not just jump on a plane without knowing where you might live, where your workplace is located, what kinds of schools your kids will be going to and many other details. It is one thing to know where your plane will land but another to prepare yourself for your new life. This is the reason we are spending so many weeks learning about Heaven.             



We hear the word ‘Heaven’ all the time in regular conversations: “Heavens to Betsy” (whoever Betsy is). Or “Oh my Heavens”, ‘Heaven Forbid” and the all time classic “For Heaven’s Sake”. Most people seem to know however that heaven is a real place and many people presume or at least hope that they will spend eternity there. What is heaven like? Who will be there? Who won’t be there? Will Heaven be boring? What will I do there? What about Hell?     



We will look at Heaven in detail throughout the Spring and Summer of 2024.   

Knowing where we will end up will guide us how to get there! 


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Live - Alton Free Methodist Church 11:00am ET

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See you Sunday!


Pastor Mike



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